

2013-11-16 阅读 :


Being young is great. Most of the parts of your body still work great, you have a full head of hair, you‘re energetic, and you have a world of opportunity in front of you. However, there’s going to come a time when you start to get older. And as you get older, you‘ll have new responsibilities, complete independence, and perhaps most importantly, less time to recover from mistakes.


You see, we all make mistakes in life. Maybe you spent more money than you should have on a car, you passed up on a great job opportunity, or you didn‘t try as hard as you could have in school. It’s a part of life and we learn from it. But there are certain mistakes that are much better made while you‘re still young and have plenty of time to recover.


I‘m definitely not telling you that you should purposely go out and make these mistakes (because they’re a pain to recover from)。 But these are all mistakes that are much better made when you‘re younger so that you can learn from them and not have them ruin your entire life.

我当然不是说,你应该有目的出去犯这些错误( 因为从错误中恢复很痛苦)。但是,这些错误,都是越年轻时犯就越有利,以便你能从中吸取教训,而避免让它们毁掉你的整个生活。

1. Starting The Wrong Career


Wouldn‘t you hate to be 45 years old and discover that you absolutely hate what you do for a living? It’s a reality that a lot of people face and it can be difficult to fix. You see, when you‘re 23 and find out you don’t like the career path you‘ve chosen, you can easily explore new career options.


We no longer live in an age when people are expected to stay with one company until they retire. You can bounce around a little bit and find out what you want to do. When you get older, just switching careers whenever you want isn‘t as simple.


You have to consider your family, retirement, the difficulties you might run into with starting from the bottom in a new industry, and plenty of other issues that someone in their early 20‘s just doesn’t have to deal with.


2. Dating the wrong person


The divorce rate in the U.S is extremely high. Other parts of the world aren‘t doing too much better either. While everyone gets divorced for their own reasons, I think we can all agree that it’s better to find out that the person you‘re with is wrong for you sooner rather than later.


Hopefully you find out whether or not the person you‘re with is right for you before you tie the knot, because around 50% of first marriages end in divorce.


3. Messing up your credit


Ruining your credit is never a good idea. Even if you ruin it while you‘re young, it could affect you in the future. The upside of having bad credit while you’re young instead of older is that you have time to build it back up.


It can take 7-10 years to rebuild your credit if you have a history of late payments, loan defaults, foreclosures, or bankruptcy. During those 7-10 years, you‘ll have a hard time financing anything unless you have a cosigner or put down a substantial down payment.


Most people tend to make most of the bigger purchases in life when they get older such as a house or their dream car. If you have bad credit, you can kiss all of that goodbye.


4. Making bad investments


If you‘re investing money for your retirement, making bad decisions can mean you’ll be working your entire life. Whether you choose to pay someone to do the investing for you or handle it all yourself, it‘s a lot better to take risks when you’re younger.


If you invest in stock or even real estate while you‘re young and the market takes a hit, you’re not ruined. Investing is a long-term venture, so the younger you start, the more fluctuation you can withstand and still come out with a positive return.


5. Blowing your money


What would you do if you went broke at 60 years old? You would be working your behind off when you really should be relaxing and getting ready to retire soon.


But if you‘re 25 and broke, you still have plenty of time to earn more money. Also, nobody will judge you because it’s not unusual for people in their 20‘s to not have money these days. You might have blown your money on a nice car or have an obsession with all the newest gadgets.


When you get older, you‘ll be able to look back and realize how dumb you were for spending $20,000 on a brand new car when you were only 20 years old. But when you’re older and waste your money, you‘ll REALLY have nothing to show for it.



本文标题: 英语四级翻译美文欣赏:年轻时会犯的5个错


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