

2012-08-09 阅读 :


Part I Listening Comprehension

1. A) See a doctor.

2. C) The woman prefers to take the 2:30 train.

3. D) She’ll consult Dr. Garcia about entering graduate school.

4. A) Alice didn’t seem to be nervous during her speech.

5. C) There are more extremes in the weather.

6. B) At a bookstore.

7. A) The man can stay in her brother’s apartment.

8. C) It’s more effective to combine listening with reading.

9. B) It will most likely prove ineffective.

10. D) Apply for a job in the electronic company.

11. D) It reduces the chance of death for heart surgery patients.

12. A) It keeps blood vessels from being blocked.

13. A) It is harmful to heart surgery patients with stomach bleeding.

14. B) They are very likely to succeed in life.

15. C) They get less attention from their parents.

16. A) They usually don’t follow family rules.

17. C) They were puzzled by his decision.

18. B) It is much cheaper than space travel.

19. B) They can both be quite challenging.

20. D) To explain why he took up underwater exploration.

Part II Reading Comprehension

21. D) People the world over enjoy eating their company’s potato chips

22. D) It needs to turn to the world market for development

23. A) consumers worldwide today are attracted by global brands

24. B) To promote the company’s strategy of globalization.

25. C) will be in the interest of the local people

26. A) A huge financial problem has arisen.

27. C) They pooled their efforts to help solve it.

28. B) unthinkable

29. A) To see if there was a deliberate cover-up of the problem.

30. D) keep people properly informed of the crisis.

31. A) the benefits of manageable stress

32. B) stay away from

33. C) doing challenging work may be good for one’s health

34. B) the outcome was beyond their control

35. C) short bursts of stress hormones enhance memory function

36. D) the child may feel that he owes her an apology

37. B) I’m aware you’re upset, but I’m not to blame

38. C) it is vague and ineffective

39. B) their ages should be taken into account

40. D) not as simple as it seems

Part III Vocabulary

41. C) fate

42. B) delivery

43. A) enthusiasm

44. B) witnesses

45. A) unstable

46. D) take on

47. A) see to

48. D) Nevertheless

49. C) loan

50. D) locate

51 A) excuse

52. C) targets

53. D) source

54. B) dim

55. D) flexible

56. B) get over

57. A) In view of

58. C) transferred

59. D) insert

60. B) decorated

61. C) torn down

62. B) at intervals

63. C) deposit

64. D) keen

65 A) Excessive

66. C) not to speak of

67. A) involve

68. B) may

69. D) concerned about

70. D) anniversary

Part IV Cloze

71. A) called

72. A) incident

73. D) often

74. A) confronted

75. B) to

76. C) when

77. D) published

78. C) with

79. B) average

80. D) serious

81. C) But

82. A) require

83. A) include

84. D) stressful

85. B) what

86. C) easily

87. B) may

88. D) Another

89. A) Whatever

90. C) least

本文标题: 2005年英语四级B卷参考答案(恩波版)


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