
全国普降大雪 回乡同学注意安全

2018-01-30 阅读 :

Winter storm chaos grips China

GUANGZHOU, China (AP) ― Deadly winter storms ― the worst in five decades ― showed no signs of letting up Tuesday in China, where cities were blacked out, transport systems were paralyzed and a bus crash on an icy road killed at least 25 people during the nation's busiest travel season.

The extreme weather ― blamed for 54 deaths in the past two weeks ― was walloping China as the country began one of the world's biggest annual mass movements of humanity: the Chinese New Year festival. Before the storms, railway officials estimated that a record 178.6 million people ― more than the population of Russia ― would travel by train for the holiday, which begins Feb. 7.

Those traveling by bus or car took big risks on the frozen roads in southern provinces, which have been suffering their heaviest snowfalls since the 1950s. Expressways were shut down in the nation's financial capital, Shanghai, because snow and sleet made them a slushy treacherous mess.

The worst accident since the blizzards began happened Tuesday when a 35-seat bus slid off an icy mountain road and plunged 40 yards into a valley. The crash in Guizhou province killed 25 people, the State Administration of Work Safety said.

State broadcaster CCTV showed Premier Wen Jiabao meeting officials telling stranded travelers at the Changsha train station in central Hunan province that the trains would start again soon.

"Let me express my apologies for you all having been stuck here," Wen said through a megaphone to a huddled crowd that cheered and applauded.
But the nation's top leader, President Hu Jintao, warned of more bad weather and urged officials "be aware of the seriousness of the situation and be fully prepared to prevent and fight disasters."

So far, the central government has given a total $17 million in aid to six provinces and one region battered by the winter weather, Xinhua said.

In China, the New Year holiday is as important as Christmas is in the West. For most <a英语四六级考试>, it's the only time of the year when they can visit their hometowns. They often take a month off to feast with their families and perform a series of rituals.
本文标题:全国普降大雪 回乡同学注意安全


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