

2009-09-12 阅读 :

How to improve student's mental health
In recent years, there have been many reports about misbehaved students resort to violence. Such behavior has exerted negative impacts towards other students, families as well as the society in a whole. Therefore how to improve students' mental health has always been a priority issue of our universities ✤ő⽩ڸꆛ沪江四六级欢迎您!©版权所有沪江网ꆛڸ⽩ő✤and society. To develop a student in a all-round way is the purpose of our quality-oriented education.
Firstly, parents as the first teacher in students' life should play an important role. The parenting method as well as the whole family environment has a direct influence towards the students. Parents should not turn to "punishment" as a tool to teach their children. Instead, they should talk to them, find out the reasons behind a certain behavior and guide them through the difficulties. Parents should always be a good listener.
Secondly, teachers should be trained to help students in a comprehensive way. Teachers should not just emphasize on a student's academic performance. Some students feel like they are being ignored by their teachers just because they are not performing well in the exams. Therefore as a responsible teacher, learning to treat each student fairly is of great importance.
Finally, it is our shared vision to build a secure and harmonious social environment for the next generation, the future of our nation.
11. A) He is quite easy to recognize.
12. C) Continue her dancing class.
13. D) The woman may not have followed the doctor's instructions.
14. C) They no longer suit his eyesight.
15. D) He rushed out of the bath to answer the phone.
16. D) Assembling the bookcase.
17. A) Urge Jenny to spend more time on study.
18. C) The local people feel insecure about the dam.
19. B) Its production ✤ő⽩ڸꆛ沪江四六级欢迎您!©版权所有沪江网ꆛڸ⽩ő✤and sales reached record levels.
20. A) They cost less.
21. C) It is bound to revive.
22. A) Organising protests.
23. C) Anti-nuclear campaigns.
24. A) By harassing them.
25. D) Supportive.
26. B) The air pressure is low.
27. C) People knew long ago how to predict the weather.
28. B) People can predict the weather by their senses.
29. D) They feel burdened with numerous tasks every day.
30. B) Draw a detailed to-do list.
31. A) They have accomplished little.
32. A) Their performance may improve.
33. B) Increased susceptibility to disease.
34. D) Pay more attention to bodily sensations.
35. C) The relationship between stress and illness.
36 appearance
37 symbol
38 decades
39 exported
40 apparent
41 percentage
42 combination
43 convenient
44 Our air quality now suffers from the effects of pollutants emitted directly from our cars.
45 The problems caused by motorized vehicles in the West are often magnified in developing nations.
46 Movement in some cities comes to a virtual standstill as motorized traffic competes with bicycles 㚛팢엻쫅�©版权所有沪江网�쫅엻팢㚛and pedestrians.
47. lighter ✤ő⽩ڸꆛ沪江四六级欢迎您!©版权所有沪江网ꆛڸ⽩ő✤and more absorbent
48. the potential in the U.S.
49. established athletic footwear industry
50. informally
51. The team spirit and shared values of the athletes
52. B. By its sustainability
53. D. the decrease of brodiversity
54. C. They are not necessarily sustainable.
55. A. It will go through radical changes.
56. D. To urge people to rethink what sustainable agriculture is.
57. A. They were of inferior races.
58. B. They can do just as well as their predecessors.
59. D. They may forever remain poor and underachieving.
60. C. Prevent them from being marginalized.
61. B. how to help immigrants to better fit into American society.
62 C results
63 A services
64 D from
65 C due
66 B owners
67 D grants
68 C unique
69 B permission
70 A except
71 C original
72 D distribute
73 B length
74 A plus
75 C distinguish
76 B but
77 A identical
78 C popularity
79 D Upon
80 B renewed
81 A long
82 He designed the first suspension bridge, which combined beauty 㚛팢엻쫅�©版权所有沪江网�쫅엻팢㚛and function perfectly.
83 It was very dark, but Mary seemed to know which way to take by instinct.
84 I don't think it advisable that parents deprive children of their freedom to spend their spare time as they wish.
85 Older adults who have a high level of daily activities have more energy and a lower death rate compared with those who don't.
86 Your resume should attract a would-be boss's attention by demonstrating why would be the best candidate.





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