

2018-08-11 阅读 :
 改错这一类型在CET六级考试中占有重要的地位。根据《大学英语六级考试大纲》规定,综合改错(Error Correction)共10题,考试时间15分钟,在一篇题材熟悉、难度适中的短文(约200词)中有10行标有题号,每行有一个错误(不含拼写或标点错误)。这种篇章型的短文改错形式,与传统的句子改错相比,难度增大。这部分试题主要测试学生的英语综合表达能力,要求学生在全面理解内容的基础上,根据上、下文增添、删去或改正某一个词(或词组),使短文意思连贯,结构正确。


☆ 改正 将文中错词用斜线(/)划去,在后面横线上填入正确的词,表示替换该错词。 (请注意我们文章里面用的是periods这种横线,考试应该划斜线的)

☆  删去 在文中将错词用斜线(/)划去,在后面横线上也划一斜线(/),表示该错词是多余的。

☆  增添 在文中两词间加“∧”号,表示有遗漏,然后在横线上添入遗漏的词的正确形式。

例 ----

Television is rapidly becoming the literature of our periods.  1. time

Many of the arguments having used for the study of literature  2. /

as a school subject are valid for ∧ study of television.    3. the

l  题型范例与分析




Living is risky. Crossing the road, driving a car, flying,

swallowing an aspirin tablet or eating a chicken sandwich―they

can all be fatal. Clearly some risks worth taking, especially 71._______

when the rewards are high: a man surrounded by flames and

smoke generally considers that jumping out of a second floor

window is an acceptable risk to save its life. But in medicine a 72._______

few procedures, drugs, operations or tests are really a matter of 73._______

life and death. There may be sound medicine reasons for ac- 74. _______

cepting electrical shock treatment, but such reasons are totally

dependent in the balance of risks and benefits for the patients. 75. _______

Surgery for cancer may cure or prolong a life, but the re-

moval of tonsils(扁桃体)cannot save anything a sore throat. 76. _______

Blood pressure drugs definitely help some people live after a

heart attack, but these same drugs may be both necessary and 77. _______

harmful for those with only mild blood pressure problems.

Deciding how much discomfort and risk we are preparing to 78._______

put up with in the name of better health is a high personal mat- 79. _______

ter, not a decision we should remain to doctors alone. 80. _______


71 risks ∧ worth → are

本句有一个由“when”引导的时间状语从句。主句“Clearly some risks worth taking”缺少谓语动词。worth是形容词,一般用于短语“be worth doing”(值得做某事)。原句中错把worth当成动词,漏掉了一个系动词are。

72 its → his

本句比较长,首先分析其结构:a man是主语;“surrounded by … smoke”是分词的后置定语;considers是主要谓语动词;that引导宾语从句;从句中“jumping…window”是动名词做主语;is是系动词;“an acceptable risk”是表语;to save its life是risk的定语。此句意为:“一个被火焰和浓烟包围的人一般认为跳出二楼窗户是救他的命的一个可以承受的冒险办法。”因而这里life指的是这个人的life,代词its用错了,要改为his。这属于代词与先行词一致性方面的错误。

73 are ∧ really → not

本句语法上没有错误,但是从上下文的理解来看,本句应是否定含义,不是肯定含义。从句首的“But”转折连词判断,上文提到跳窗户救命是关系生死的大事,但是在医学上,一些实验、程序等等却不是关系生死的事情。“a matter of life and death”是“涉及生死的事情”。此处属于篇章理解错误。

74 medicine → medical


75 in → on

此处是固定搭配错误。depend on:依靠。dependent是depend的形容词形式。dependent on:依靠……的。

76 anything ∧ a → but

“cannot save anything a sore throat”句意不通顺,anything和a sore throat(喉咙痛)是两个名词短语,不能叠用,中间根据句意应加上一个but。全句译为:切除扁桃体只能治喉咙痛。这属于连接词错误。

77 necessary → unnecessary

本句属于篇章理解错误。necessary and harmful构成一对矛盾,因而要把表示正面含义的necessary变成表示负面含义的unnecessary。

78 preparing → prepared

“be prepared to do …”是固定短语,意思是“准备做某事”,相当于“be ready to do …”。这里prepared作形容词用。“be preparing”只能解释为进行时态,很显然这里不应用进行时态。put up with:承受、忍受。

79 high → highly


80 remain → leave

remain:保持、仍然,是一个表示状态的动词,其用法和系动词“be”相似,后面所接成分一般是名词或形容词,作表语。例如:He remains silent all through the night.leave是“留下,留给”的意思,是及物动词。leave sb:把某物留给某人。例如:Please leave the reference book to me.本句很明显是leave …to …的句型,所以应把remain改成leave。这是易混词错误。



Punctuality(准时) means observing(遵守) regular or ap-

pointed time. A man who gets up at seven o"clock every morn-

ing is punctual. A man who has permitted to call on a friend at 71. _______

five o"clock in the afternoon and actually does such at that hour 72. ______

is also punctual.

Punctuality is a good habit, and unpunctuality is a bad

one. A few minutes delay may not be a serious matter. 73. _______

But it may have bad results. Getting up five minutes later than

usually may upset the plan of the day. 74. ____

Call on a friend five minutes later than the appointed time may 75. _______

cause him some unexpected trouble. Nevertheless, habitual un- 76._______

punctuality leads to indolence(懒惰) and even failure in life.

One delay after another makes a man unable to exert himself. It

also proves him be untrustworthy. 77._______

Those who are unpunctual should try their best to get rid

from their bad habit. In doing this, they should avoid making 78. ______

any kind of exception. They should ever say to themselves:“A 79.______

few minutes’ delay does not matter this time. I shall never be

unpunctual again.” Those who think in this way will find excus-

es for delay from time to time, and will at least give up the at-

tempt cultivating the good habit of punctuality. 80. ______

Like all other good habits, punctuality becomes second na-

ture with those who have duly cultivated it.


71 permitted → promised

permit作为动词,是“允许”的意思,常用于词组permit sb. to do sth.:允许某人做某事。根据上下文,此处应译为:“一个许诺下午五点钟拜访一位朋友,而事实上也做到了这一点的人是准时的”。这里所表达的意思是“许诺”,不是“允许”,应用promise,并且promise to do sth.是“许诺做某事”的意思,从语法上也符合。此句是易混词错误。

72 such → so

such和so的共同点在于两者都是代词,都是“这样”的意思。区别在于such不能单独代替某成份,而so可以独立代替前文所提及的事。如此句中does such a thing = does so,但是does such却不符合语法。本句属于代词误用错误。

73 minutes → minutes"


74 usually → usual

usually是副词,意思是“通常地”。这里five minutes later than usual中的“… than usual”是固定搭配。usual的类似用法还有as usual(和平常一样)。这是固定搭配错误。

75 Call → Calling/To call

本句主语是一个动词短语,但是动词短语做主语时,其中的动词只能用动名词或不定式的形式,因而把Call改成Calling或To call。此句属于非谓语动词错误。

76 Nevertheless → Moreover


77 him ∧ be → to

“prove sb. to do sth.”是固定搭配,意思是“证明某人做某事”。原句缺少不定式标志to。这属于固定搭配的错误。 78 from → of

“get rid of”是固定搭配,意思是“摆脱”。用from是错误用法,应把它改成“of”。这属于固定搭配错误。

79 ever→ never


80 cultivating → to cultivate

cultivate意思是“培养”,这里做名词attempt的定语。“attempt (n.) to do sth.”意思是“做某事的尝试/努力”,应用不定式做后置定语。此句属于非谓语动词错误。


另外,综合改错题的设计兼有句子改错题及完形填空题的双重特点。句子改错题的特点是:测试语言知识,四个划线部分必有一错。完形填空题的特点是:测试篇章能力为主,每个空格有四个选项,仅择其一。而综合改错题的特点是含错误项的句子中,由于错项与其他干扰项没有单独用横线标出,因此错误项和正确项互相干扰,难以把握。此外,综合改错题不象完形填空题那样给出备选的正确答案,对大多数考生来说,正确地判断并改正错误是相当难的。 但是,尽管很难把改错题完全分类,这并不意味着无规则可循。经过对各类考试以及历年考题的分析、总结,我们归纳出九种主要错误类型。虽然这九个类型并不能代表所有的错误类型,但是它们能为广大考生提供思考问题的方法,使他们在做改错题时,能够有的放矢,准确迅速地找到并改正错误。
第二讲 题型透析及应试技巧 ----
l 常考典型错误


① 主谓一致


例: The president of the company, together with the workers, are planning a conference for the purpose of solving financial problems.

句中主语的主词为单数名词“president”,介词短语“together with the workers”与主语无关,是插入成分,故谓语动词应用单数is。

② 名词单复数

有时名词可以不用复数,但是在特定的句子中由于前面有明确的量词修饰,如many, several, a number of, a variety of等等,就要变成复数形式。

例: Computer, as we all know, has many possible use in different fields.


③ 代词与先行词一致



A knowledge of several languages is essential to other majors" study because without them one can read books only in translation.

本句中without them指的是没有几门语言的知识。them错指a knowledge of several languages,因为其中knowledge是中心词,所以要把them改为it。


① 时态错误


例: He can"t remember what he once knows.


② 语态错误



She was very angry at not  telling the truth when she listened to the account.句意:当她听这个叙述的时候,她很生气没有被告知真相。这里“她”是被告诉的对象,因而telling应改为being told。




We strongly suggest that Henry is told about his physical condition as soon as possible. 句中动词suggest之后的从句应用虚拟语气,故“is”应改为“be”或“should be”。类似的动词还有demand, insist, order,等等。


这类错误常常不易被发现,因为它不属于句子内部的语言知识,而是句子与句子之间的串联的关系。要想把这类错误纠正出来,需要考生对文章有总体的理解,头脑中有个大的框架。一般改错中的连接词错误都会使句子的逻辑关系发生改变,或造成句子的语义逻辑混乱。 例:

Science is the production of new knowledge that can be applied or not, since technology is the application of knowledge to the production of some products, machinery or the like.





Microwave ovens are generally more costlier than common ovens.此句costly是形容词,意思是“昂贵的”。它的比较级形式是more costly。costlier是错误的形式,须改成costly。




Computeranalyzed marketing reports can help deciding which products to emphasize now, which to develop for the future, and which to be dropped.

本句中三个平行成份which products to emphasize now, which to develop和which to be dropped结构模式应该一致,均采用不定式主动语态,因而to be dropped应改为to drop。




The idea that learn a foreign language is hard work is realized by every student.分析句子结构可知:the idea是主语;is realized是谓语部分;that引导同位语从句。从句中learn a foreign language是主语,而learn是动词形式,应改为动名词“learning”。




It also  takes rise to a blurring of the distinction between science and technology.

句中“takes rise to”是错误搭配,应把“takes”改为gives。“give rise to”是固定表达,有“引起、导致”的意思。考生需要平时积累动介词、动副词等词组以及诸多习惯用语。


词性误用句中,错误主要表现在形容词、名词、副词上。做这类改错题,首先要判断词性及词在句中的位置,然后根据它们在句中所处的位置来确定词性是否正确。一般说来,形容词修饰名词,副词修饰动词,副词修饰形容词。 例:

We are not [ZZ(Z]necessary[ZZ)] capable of doing such an exacting job.



英语词汇中有很多词在拼写上、语义上很相似,如assure/ensure, rise/arise/raise, effect/affect,但是它们的用法却迥然不同。这些易混淆的词构成六级改错的一个重要错误类型。

例: His persistence was awarded when the car finally started. 句中“award”是“颁发,授予(奖赏)”之义,而文中想要表达的意思是“汽车终于启动了,那就是对他坚持不懈精神的回报。”应把award改成reward。

l 解题思路与技巧



① 一般来说,做题时千万不要拿起来就改。先花一、两分钟从头到尾通读全文,对文章大致内容有所了解,做到心中有数。 ②然后把重点放在有错误项的标有题号行,寻找较容易辩认的语法错误,如主谓不一致、时态、语态使用错误、非谓语动词错误等等。

③ 如果错行中不存在上述明显错误,则应查看是否有词语搭配错误,易混词错误、词性错误等等细节错误。

④ 如果错行中既不存在语法错误,也不存在词汇错误,则从整体上查看上下文意思是否连贯,连接词是否使用正确,是否有逻辑混乱的现象,如否定句误用成肯定句造成句意不通等。注意:有时没有错项的行对改错很有帮助。

---- 第三讲 实战训练 ----



When some nineteenthcentury New Yorkers said “Harlem”,

they meant almost all of Manhattan above Eighty-sixth Street.

Toward the end of the century, however, a group

of citizens in upper Manhattan-want perhaps, to shape a closer 1._________

and more precise sense of community―designated a section that

they wished to have known as Harlem. The chosen area was the

Harlem which Blacks were moving in the first decades of the 2.________

new century as they left their old settlements on the middle and

lower blocks of the West Side.

As the community became predominantly Black, the very

word“Harlem” seemed to lose its old meaning. At time it was 3.________

easy to forget that “Harlem”was originally the Dutch name

“Harlem”; the community it described had been founded by 4.________

people from Holland;and that for most of its three centuries―it

was first settled in the sixteen hundreds―it had been preoccupied 5.________

by White New Yorkers. “Harlem”became synonymous to 6.________

Black life and Black style in Manhattan. Blacks living there

used the word as though they had coined it on themselves―not 7.________

only to designate their area of residence but to express their

sense of the various qualities of its life and atmosphere. As the

years passed, “Harlem”asserted an even larger meaning. In 8.________

the words of Adam Clayton Powell, Sr., the pastor of the

Abyssinian Baptist Church, Harlem “became the symbol of liberty

and the Promised Land to Negroes everywhere”.

By 1919 Harlem"s population had grown by several thousand.

It had received its share of wartime migration from the South,

the Caribbean, and parts of colonial Africa. Some of the

new arrivals merely lived for Harlem; it was New York they had 9.________

come to, looking for jobs and for all the other legendary opportunities

of life in the city. To others who migrated to Harlem, New

York was merely the city in which they found themselves:

Harlem was exactly what they wished to be. 10.________


1. want→ wanting


2. Harlem ∧ which → to


3. time → times

“at a time”是“一次”的意思,而“at times”是“时而,偶尔”的意思。

4.Harlem; ∧ the community → that


5.preoccupied → occupied

“be preoccupied with sth.”指“忙于某事”。“occupy”是“占领”之意。 → with

“by synonymous with”是“与……等同”“与……意义相同”的意思,与synonymous搭配的是介词with。

7.on → /

“by themselves”或“on their own”都表示“他们自己”的意思,“coin”是“创造”之意。

8.asserted → assumed “assert”是“肯定,断定”,“assume”指开始具有某种(品质或形象等),强调的是一个从无到有的发展过程。

9.for → in

由下文“it was New York they had come to”可知这些人并非是为Harlem而活着,因为他们的目标是整个纽约城,他们只是居住在Harlem罢了。

10.what → where




The white House began to be built in 1792, but it was not

completed until ten years later. Every American president lived

in it except for George Washington, although he did have a 1.________

majority part in designing it. 2.________

The government held a competition to choose the best

design for the president"s house. The winner was a young man of 3.________

South Carolina, James Hoban. His design was a three-level

house of stone. And President Washington made some changes

in the winning design. He made the house long and wider, and 4.________

changed it into a two-storied house instead of three.

The second president, John Adams, was first to live in the 5.________

White House. When he and his wife moved onto the new house 6.________

in November, 1800, work was still going on, although the main

live area was completed. The whole work did not finish until the 7.________

administration of the 3rd president, Thomas Jefferson.

Twelve years later, the British army invaded Washington

and burned the White House. The fire completely destroyed the

inside of the building and experts said the White House was so 8.________

dangerous to live in. Later on workers rebuilt the inside of the

White House. More offices were added, most of which underground. 9.________

None of the work, however, changed the appearing of 10.________

the building. Many people asked why the president"s house is

called the White House. Historians say it has been so called

simply because it was painted white.


1.for → /

在句子中说明前后两个相等成份的关系时用except,否则用except for。本句是说每位美国总统,除了乔治・华盛顿,都曾在白宫居住过,“Every American president”与“George Washington”为对等成分,故应去掉for。

2.majority → major


3.of → from


4.long → longer


5. was ∧ first → the

the +序数词具有名词意味,在这里the first即表示the first president。

6. onto → into

“搬进新居”应为“move in”或“move into”,move on意为“继续前进”,而“move onto”则是不存在的。 → living

live (a)意为“活着的”,而“living”则是“适于居住的”、“生活的”。the living area意为“适于居住的地区”。

8. so → too


9. which ∧ underground → were 或which → them


10. appearing → appearance

原句意思是说,重建白宫的工作并未改变它的外貌。appearing为appear(出现)的v. + ing形式,appearance意为“外观,外貌”。



There are great many reasons for studying what philosophers 1.________

have said in the past. One is that we cannot separate the

history of philosophy from which of science. Philosophy is 2.________

large discussion about matters on which few people are quite 3.________

certain, and those few hold opposite opinions. As knowledge

increases, philosophy buds off the sciences.

For an example, in the ancient world and the Middle Ages 4.________

philosophers discussed motion. Aristotle and St. Thomas

Aquinas taught that a moving body would slow down until a force 5.________

were constantly applied to it. They were wrong. It goes on moving

unless something slows it down. But they had good arguments on

their side, and if we study these, and the experiments

which proved them right this will help us to distinguish truth 6.________

from false in the scientific controversies of today. 7.________

We also see how different philosopher reflects the social 8.________

life of his day. Plato and Aristotle, in the slave-owning society

of ancient Greece, thought man’s highest state was contemplation

rather than activity. In the Middle Ages St. Thomas

believed a regular feudal system of nine ranks of angels. Herbert 9.________

Spencer, in the time of free competition between capitalists,

found the key to progress as the survival of the fittest. Thus 10.________

Marxism is seen to fit into its place as the philosophy for

the workers, the only class with a future.


1. are ∧ great → a

a great many为固定搭配,修饰可数名词,意为“很多,大量”,后面的名词用复数形式。

2. which → that


3. large → largely

largely这里是副词,意为“在很大程度上”,如果有人打算把large考虑成修饰discussion的形容词,那么,前边势必加冠词a或the,但没有large discussion的说法,所以这里只能把large改换成副词.

4. an → /

for example是固定搭配,意为“例如”,中间不加不定冠词an。

5. until → unless


6. right → wrong


7. false → falsehood


8. different → every

这句谓语动词和主语均为第三人称单数,而用different修饰的名词一般用复数形式,因此需要改变different。再看下文,列举了诸位哲学家,因此可把different 改为every,既不妨碍句子意思,又符合语法规则。

9. believed ∧ a → in

believe in 意为“相信”,后常接名词,而believe则为“相信或认为”,后常接从句,因此加上一个介词in。

10. as → in

此句意为“斯宾塞在资本主义自由竞争时期,发现进步的关键在于适者生存”,此句的另一表达方式为“Spencer, in the time of free competition between capitalists, found the survival of the fittest as the key to progress.”而按现有语序,需把as改成in。



Aphrodite loved Adonis more than she did to heaven, for 1.________

He was a brisk, lovely young hunter. She abandoned her residence

at Olympus and took to the woods, where she dressed

herself up like a huntress and kept the youth companion all day 2.________

long. With him she roved through bushy grounds and groves and

over hills and dales, cheering hounds and pursuing game of a

harmless sort. They had a great time together. However, she

warned him many times to chase wild beasts like lions and 3.________

wolves, but the young man just laughed at the idea.

One day, after warning him thus, she left to Olympus in 4.________

her chariot. Quite by chance Adonis" hounds found a boar, that 5.________

roused Adonis to enthusiasm. He hit the beast with a dart, and 6.________

the boar, turning on him ,buried its white tusk deep into his

tender side and trampled him to death.

When Aphrodite came back to find her lover cold in death,

she burst into a passion of tears. Unable to wrest him back from

the low world, she sprinkled nectar on Adonis" blood and 7.________

turned it into anemone, a delicate purple flower.

Aphrodite was, therefore, still inconsolable. In grief and 8.________

despair she flew to Zeus and implored him to restore Adonis to

her. Though she had Zeus" sympathy, Hades was by no means

prepared to comply with her request. After the much dispute a 9.________

compromise was worked out under which Adonis was to spend

half the year above ground with Aphrodite, but the rest six 10.________

months in the Elysian Fields. Therefore, in spring time Adonis

came back to the loving embrace of Aphrodite, but when winter

came he had to return most reluctantly to Hades.


1. to → /


2. companion → company

keep sb. company是固定搭配,意为“与某人做伴”,companion与company是同义词,都是“伴侣”之意,但companion是可数名词,而company则不可数。

3. times ∧ to → not

warn sb. not to do sth. 是固定搭配,意为“警告某人不要做某事”。很多有“警告某人做某事”的说法,况且这里根据上下文知道Aphrodite常警告Adonis不要捕猎狮、狼一类凶猛的野兽。

4. to → for

leave for a place,意为“出发去某地”,介词用for不用to。

5. that → which


6. and → but



7. low → lower做形容词用的low,有“地位低下”之意,但也常有“品质、道德”败坏之意,所以引申意常代替本意。这里lower world指的是“冥府,地下”,是和地下世界比较而言,因此较常用low的比较级形式。

8. therefore → however


9. the → /

dispute是不可数名词,意为“争辩、讨论”。much dispute表示“大量争吵,讨价还价”,the完全不必要。

10. rest → remaining

rest表“剩下”时,可说the rest of… 或只说the rest,在这里说“剩下的六个月”是the rest of the year或the remaining 6 months。


