词组惯用语及特殊表达释义 (六级)
1 hold the saddle把住马鞍
pose 摆姿势
crack the shutter 按快门
press the shutter 按快门
cowboy hat 牛仔帽
shoot a movie 拍电影
2 type the application letter打印申请信
why bother her? 不必麻烦她
3 right on the shelf就在书架上
take it out on my card 用我的借书卡借出来
4 helpful assistance热心的帮助
out of the way 偏僻
5 print a schedule印制时间表
why bother to...? 何必费神...
6 subscribe to a magazine订杂志
engineering quarterly 《工程季刊》
the latest issue 最新的一期杂志
7 with a student discount学生享受的折扣
student id card 学生证
turn out to be disappointing 结果令人失望
8 do assignments, papers and exams做作业、论文和参加考试
pull through 度过艰难的日子;熬过来
drop one course 退掉一门课
pick up the course 重新学这门课
light workload 课程负担不重
9 rent a conference room租会议室
run in the red 财政困难;出现赤字
10 pick me up开车接我
schedule an appointment 约好见