

2012-12-26 阅读 :


  答案:[B卷:  ] 



  答案由点点团队缪金华、张培 提供,

  endorsed by 丁晓钟


  1. B) revising their financial aid polices

  2. D) It cut its merit-based aid to help the needy students.

  3. C) attract good students

  4. D) it’s not right to give aid to those who can afford the tuition

  5. B) fierce competition among institutions

  6. A) They would like to see it reduced.

  7. C) Many students from middle-income families have come to rely on it.

  8. qualified

  9. recognizes

  10. excellence



  11. A) Get some small change.

  12. B) Buying a gift for a child.

  13. A) Taking photographs.

  14. B) He can provide little used information.

  15. D) He knows his own imitations

  16. C) Her gym exercise has yielded good results.

  17. D) The professor’s suggestion is constructive.

  18. A) Indifferent.

  19. C) He has to work during the day.

  20. B) Learn data processing.

  21. C) Every Monday, lasting for 12 weeks.

  22. A) What to bring for registration.

  23. D) A financial trader.

  24. B) He considers cooking creative.

  25. D) It can be a good thing.


  26. C) Live is not possible in outer space.

  27. C) It has a large ocean under its surface.

  28. A) Light is not an essential miles long.

  29. B) What Dr.Meyer's instructions exacty were.

  30. D) She asks them to repeat what they are supposed to do.

  31. A) It lacks the stability of the printed word.

  32. C) Challenging work.

  33. A) Many tedious jobs continue to be done manually.

  34. D) Give them responsibilities as part of team.

  35. B) They concern a small number of the people only.


  36. classified

  37. background

  38. album

  39. appreciation

  40. context

  41. implies

  42. image

  43. instruments

  44. Descriptive writing in the humanities, particularly in literature, is often mixed with critical writing.

  45. It tells the reader how to do something, for example, explaining the technique used to shoot a film.

  46. Authors may actually use more than one type of technique in a given piece of informational writing.


  47. K) recruited

  48. J) recording

  49. L) total

  50. C) aspects

  51. B) analyzed

  52. H) quality

  53. N) unsure

  54. G) established

  55. A) already

  56. E) contributing

  57. C) She will present to the world a new image of African-American women.

  58. B) They are of an inferior social group.

  59. D) What Michelle should do as wife and mother in the White House.

  60. C) However hard she tries, she can't expect to please everybody.

  61. A) Help change the prevailing view about black women.

  62. A) Institutions worldwide are hiring administrators from the U.S.

  63. B) Their ability to raise funds.

  64. D) Most of their revenues come from the government.

  65. A) She was known to be good at raising money.

  66. C) They will view a lot of things from a new perspective.


  67. focuses

  68. adequate

  69. currently

  70. challenges

  71. retirement

  72. over

  73. Learning

  74. on

  75. needs

  76. portion

  77. When

  78. homes

  79. ever

  80. For example

  81. adjust

  82. to

  83. unpredictably

  84. available

  85. sense

  86. roles


  87. if you had followed my instructions

  88. abandoned the pursuit of knowledge

  89. find the cure for cancer

  90. keep pace with the constantly growing demands of consumers

  91. the less likely you are to catch a cold


