- 2012.12英语四级阅读全攻略:细节题解题思路
- 题型科普:
2012-12-05 英语四级阅读资料 -
- 2012.12英语四级阅读全攻略:语义题解题思路
- 语义题:
2012-12-05 英语四级阅读资料 -
- 2012.12英语四级阅读全攻略:推断题解题思路
- 推断题:
What can be...
2012-12-05 英语四级阅读资料 -
- 新东方尹延:2012.12英语四六级阅读复习冲刺
- 2012年四六级考试即将打响,北京新东方学校国内考试部四六级主讲教师尹延老师和大家一起分享在最后的这段时间里四六级阅读应该怎么复习。并针对阅读中遇到的词汇,向新东方的网友...
2012-11-28 英语四级阅读资料 -
2012-06-12 英语四级阅读资料
- 大学英语四级美文欣赏:青年危机
- ...
2012-06-12 英语四级阅读资料 -
- 大学英语四级美文欣赏:户外广告
- ...
2012-06-12 英语四级阅读资料 -
2012-06-06 英语四级阅读资料
2012-06-06 英语四级阅读资料
2012-06-06 英语四级阅读资料
2012-06-01 英语四级阅读资料
2012-06-01 英语四级阅读资料
- 大学英语四级美文欣赏:社交媒体和后隐私社会
- While having a meal with his wife in his home town of Utica in 2007, the pollster John Zogby struck up a conversation with his 20-year-old waitress about privacy, social networkin...
2012-05-31 英语四级阅读资料 -
- 大学英语四级美文欣赏:书籍和互联网
- It's easy to forget that the world wide web as we know it today evolved from an early attempt to put books on the internet. When Tim Berners-Lee envisagedwhat would become the...
2012-05-31 英语四级阅读资料 -
- 大学英语四级美文欣赏:真的是姜老的辣吗?
- Americans get wiser with age. Japanese are wise from the start. ONE stereotype of wisdom is a wizenedZen-master smiling benevolently at the antics of his pupils, while referri...
2012-05-30 英语四级阅读资料 -
- 大学英语四级美文欣赏:摄影与自然环境
- Nature photography appeals to our nostalgiafor a time when we were more in harmony with the planet. The old adage"a picture is worth a thousand words" needs to be rethought. M...
2012-05-30 英语四级阅读资料 -
- 大学英语四级美文:互联网的碳足迹
- The internet releases around 300m tonnes of CO2 a year – as much as all the coal, oil and gas burned in Turkey or Poland, or more than half of the fossil fuels burned in the...
2012-05-29 英语四级阅读资料 -
- 英语四级美文:为什么手机对养育孩子不利?
- Our children will always know whether they have our full attention. It's time for parents to break the phone habit before it's too late. There was something to be said...
2012-05-29 英语四级阅读资料 -
- 英语四级美文:压力之下表现优异的秘密
- The best way to psych yourself up for a test or presentation is to make it seem insignificant. Here's how: How do you gear yourself up for a big test, an important presen...
2012-05-29 英语四级阅读资料 -
- 英语四级美文:日有所思夜有所梦让你更聪明
- New research shows dreaming about a task gives you an edge in real life. It’s late in the evening: time to close the book and turn off the computer. You’re done fo...
2012-05-29 英语四级阅读资料 -
- 英语四级阅读四大逻辑关系全揭秘
- 不少考生提到在备考英语四级考试时,发现有不少的英语四级考试句超出自己的能力范围。对于这些句子,我们需要从语法的角度去完全把握。但是如果是在考试中遇到不能理解的句子时,考生比较偏向于一遍...
2012-05-23 英语四级阅读资料 -
- 大学英语四级美文欣赏:学习语言让大脑更灵活
- Most people learn languages to help them communicate. Now a study of recent research into brain function reveals that students could be gaining a lot more from their pursuit of li...
2012-05-16 英语四级阅读资料 -
- 大学英语四级美文欣赏:网站离不开专业媒体?
- The public is not interested in siftingthrough data. So without the analysis of journalists, the WikiLeaks logs may have died unread. According to Alfred Harmsworth, founder o...
2012-05-16 英语四级阅读资料 -
- 大学英语四级美文欣赏:含糖饮料或使味蕾变迟钝
- Consuming just two sugarydrinks a day can dull the taste buds and lead to cravings for high-calorie food, a study claims. The research suggests that within a month those who d...
2012-05-16 英语四级阅读资料 -
- 大学英语四级美文欣赏:都市女性文学之死
- IT was fun at the start, like every romance. But ten years on, the bloom is off the “chick lit” rose. This sparkly slice of women’s fiction has more or less offi...
2012-05-16 英语四级阅读资料