中医(Traditional Chinese Medicine)的范畴很广,包括一系列具有相同基本概 念的医学实践。这个概念起源于中国古代,已经历了数千年的发展。中医诊法包 括把脉(measure the pulse),检查舌头、皮肤、眼睛,以及询问饮食、睡眠习惯和其他方面。中医蕴含的理念及其复杂性向研究中医如何奏效的研究者提出了挑战。这些研究大多数集中在针灸(acupuncture)和中药等特定形式的疗法上。
Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) includes a broadrange of medicine practices sharing common basicconcept which originated in ancient China and has:evolved over thousands of years. TCM diagnosisincludes measuring the pulse,inspecting the tongue,skin, eyes and asking about the eating and sleeping habits of :the patient as well as many otherthings. TCM's complexity and underlying conceptual foundations present challenges forresearchers seeking evidence on how it works. Most researches focus on specific treatmentmodalities, primarily I acupuncture and Chinese herbal remedies.