

2012-12-28 阅读 :


grant vt.授予,同意,准予 n.授予物
  If you were granted one wish,what would you wish for? ;如果给你许一个愿, 你希望得到什么呢?
  Old Armond would never grant his son permission to marry Margaret. ;老阿芒永远也不会准许儿子跟玛格丽特 (茶花女)结婚.

imply vt.暗示, 含有...的意思
  When a girl says to a boy that they have nothing in common ;当一个女孩子对一个男孩说他们没有共同之处时,
she is actually implying that she is not interested in him. ;实际上她是在暗示对他不感兴趣.

exaggerate v.夸张,夸大
  Commercial advertisements ;商业广告
  tend to exaggerate virtues of the advertised products. ;有夸大产品好处的倾向.

curiosity n.好奇,好奇心;奇物
  People born in the year of the monkey are said to be full of curiosity. ;据说猴年出生的人充满好奇心.

curious a.好奇的;奇特的
  A curious child is a teacher's delight. ;老师喜欢有求知欲的孩子.
  Most people are always curious about the private lives of movie stars. ;大多数人总是对明星的私生活怀有好奇心.

remedy n.补救办法;药品 vt.纠正;医治
  There has been no effective remedy for AIDS so far. ;目前还没有治爱滋病的有效药物.
  status n.地位;情形
  Working for the best institution provides you ;在最好的机构工作可以为你带来both with high social status and self-confidence. ;社会地位和自信心.

determination n.决心;确定
  Determination, confidence and perseverance ;决心、信心、和恒心
  are three main factors for success. ;是成功的三大要素.

accurate a.精确的,准确的
  Journalists are not always accurate in what they write. ;新闻记者在他们写的报道中不总是准确无误的.

adequate a.充足的;适当的, 胜任的
  A battered wife has adequate grounds for a divorce. ;受虐待的妻子有充足的理由要求离婚.
  My work is adequate, but I want to do better. ;我工作还算胜任, 但我想做得更好一点.

present a.出席的;现在的 n.目前;礼物 vt.赠(送);呈现;颁发; 提出;介绍
  What do you think of the present situation? ;你如何看待目前的形势?
  The Hong Kong movie star Chow Yun-fat ;香港影星周润发
  spoke fluent English when he presented the Oscar award. ;为奥斯卡颁奖时说着一口流利的英文.

excessive a.过度的,过多的
  Don't eat like a pig.An excessive amount of food will make you fat. ;别吃那么多.吃得过多会使你发胖的.

urgent a.紧迫的,紧要的
  My car is in urgent need of repair. ;我的车急需修理.

excess n.过度,无节制;超越 a.过量的,额外的
  An excess of fat in one's diet can lead to heart disease. ;食物中脂肪过多会导致心脏病.

look vi.看;显得 n.看;表情; 外貌,模样
  Nowadays,there are more and more university agraduates ;时下大学毕业生越来越多,
  and the prospects for employment does not look very optimistic. ;就业前景看起来不怎么乐观.
  Many beautiful girls are simple-minded ;许多漂亮的女孩头脑简单,
while many bright girls do not have such great looks. ;而许多聪明的女孩却相貌平平.

partial a.偏袒的;部分的
  A good teacher should not be partial to any one of the students. ;好的老师不应偏袒任何一个学生.

extensive a.广大的,广阔的
  We are going to Inner Mongolia to enjoy the extensive view of grass lands ;我们要到内蒙古去享受大草原的辽阔视野,
this summer vacation. ;在这个暑假.

beneficial a.有利的,有益的
  A balanced diet and a moderate amount of sports are beneficial to one's health. ;均衡的饮食和适度的运动有益于健康.

benefit n.益处;救济金,保险金 vt.有益于 vi.得益

Equality and mutual benefit ;平等互利
  is one of China's five principles of peaceful co-existence in foreign policy. ;是中国外交和平共处五项基本原则之一.   
  Afforestation is to everyone's benefit. (Afforestation benefits everyone.) ;植树造林对人人都有好处.

preferable a.(~to)更可取的, 更好的
  White clothes are preferable to black ones in hot weather ;在炎热天气下, 穿白衣服比黑衣服好
  since white reflects light. ;因为白颜色反光,

liable a.(~to)倾向的;易于 ...的;(~ for)有法律 责任的,有义务的
  We are all liable to make mistake when tired. ;疲劳时我们都容易出错.
  Is a wife liable for her husband's debts? ;妻子对丈夫的债务负法律责任吗?


