5月6日四级真题词汇动词第六期1. The same factors push wages and prices up together, the one ______ the other. A)emphasizing B)reinforcing C)multiplying D)increasing
B [注释]同样,这些因素相互影响推动了工资与物价的上升。
A)emphasize 强调,着重;Our test should emphasize the vocabulary item more frequently used. 我们的测试应该强调更常用的词。
B)reinforce 加强,增强,支援;reinforce one's argument with fresh points 用新的论点加强论证;This evidence reinforces my view that he is a spy.这一证据证实了我的看法,他是个间谍。
C)multiply 增多,增值;to multiply one's chances of success 增加个人成功的机会D)increase 增加,增长,扩大;The company has increased the capital stock from $10,000 to $50,000.这家公司已把股本从1万美元增加值5万美元。
2. Don't _____ this news to the public until we give you the go-ahead.
A)release B)relieve C)relate D)retain
2. A [注释]在未得到我们许可之前,你别向公众透露该消息。
A)release 释放,排放,放松,发行,接触;release a prisoner /brake / bomb 释放囚犯/ 松开刹车/ 扔炸弹 The police have released no further details about the crime.警方没有进一步透漏这一罪案的详情。
B)relieve 减轻,解除;relieve sb of a burden / responsibilities 解除某人负担/职务;relieve (sb from) suffering 减轻痛苦;The two tunnels under Huangpu River relieves traffic jams in Shanghai. 黄浦江底下的两条隧道缓解了上海的交通拥挤情况。
C)relate (to) (使)与……有关系,讲述;relate a story vividly 生动地讲故事;relate cause and effect 把动机与效果联系起来。I can't relate what he does with [to]what he says.我没法把他做的和说的联系起来。
D)retain 保持,保留;retain water/ memory 保持水分/记忆;China dishes retain heat longer than metal pans do.瓷盘比金属盘不易散热。
3. The supply of electric power to Madrid and neighbouring districts has had to be ____ .
A)weakened B)restricted C)omitted D)lowered
3.B [注释]对马德里及其邻近地区的电力供应必须加以限制。
A)weaken (使)变弱,减弱;weaken tea /coffee 冲淡茶/咖啡;His illness had permanently weakened him. 他的疾病使他长期虚弱。
B)restrict 限制,约束,限定;restrict freedom / authority 限制自由/权利;He restricts himself to (smoking) 2 cigarettes a day. 它限制自己一天只吸两只烟。
C)omit 省略,删节,疏忽;You have omitted my name in from the list. 你把我的名字从名单上漏掉了。omit an item from a list 从目录中略去一项;Don't omit locking [to lock] the door.别忘了锁门。
D)lower 放下,降低,减弱;lower the sails/ a flag 落帆/降旗;lower price / voice 降低物价/嗓音;Examinations also lower the standards of teaching.考试也使教学水平降低。Captain gave the order to lower the flags for a week holiday.船长命令降旗休假一周。
4. I hate people who _____ the end of film that you haven't seen before.
A)reveal B)rewrite C)revise D)reverse
4.A [注释]我不喜欢别人把先前没有看过的电影结局透露出来。
A)reveal 揭露,泄露,展现,显示;reveal secrets/ details 泄露秘密/披露详情;Research has revealed him to be [that he was] a hermit.调查结果表明他原是一位隐士。
B)rewrite 重写;The essay needs to be rewritten.这篇文章需要重写。
C)revise 修订,修改,审校,复习;revise a manuscript/ a proposal 审校手稿/修正提案;He was revising what he had written. 他正在修改他所写的东西。I've been revising all week. 我整个星期都在复习。
D)reverse 反转,倒开,颠倒; reverse a glass 倒置玻璃杯;reversing light 倒车灯;She reversed the paper.她把纸翻过来。They have reversed the procedure. 他们颠倒了程序。
5. Please be careful when you are drinking coffee in case you ______ the new carpet.
A)crash B)pollute C)spot D)stain
5. D [注释]喝咖啡时请小心,别弄脏新地毯。D),C)两项为同义词,可做及物和不及物词,stain 玷污的污迹比spot 的难洗。
A)crash (into ) 碰撞,坠落,撞击,垮台,破产;The plane crashed (into the mountain)。 飞机撞毁(在山上)了。The company crashed with debts of 2 million US dollar. 该公司因负债2百万美元而告破产。
B)pollute 污染,弄脏,腐蚀;pollute air/ water 污染空气/水;All those waste products are polluting the river.所有这些废物都在污染这条河。
C)spot 玷污,认出,发现;He spotted /stained his reputation by lying repeatedly. 他屡次说谎玷污了自己的名誉。spot a friend in the crowd 在人群中认出一个朋友。
D)stain 玷污,染污,染色;stain/ spot one's fingers with ink 使手指沾上墨水;White clothes stain easily. 白衣服容易弄脏。