- 2009年6月英语六级听力成功指南(第三十一期)
- Passage 5 After (S1) ______ in a crowded bus and waiting in the noisy airport building, I was glad to be sitting in the plane at last. In a few minutes now we would be ask...
2012-12-25 英语六级听力资料 -
- 2009年6月英语六级听力成功指南(第二十九期)
A) The man shouldn't have invited her roommate to the meeting.
B) Her roommate was unable to attend the meeting.
C) Her roommate is unreliable ab...
2012-12-25 英语六级听力资料 -
- 2009年6月英语六级听力成功指南(第三十期)
- 101.
A) She went to Miami.
B) She saw Fred.
C) She called a friend.
D) She stayed at home.
A) He didn't enjoy it as much as For Whom the Bell Toll...
2012-12-25 英语六级听力资料 -
- 2009年6月英语六级听力成功指南(第二十八期)
Questions 30 to 33 are based on the passage you've just heard.
A) Plays based on science fiction stories.
B) Plays based on non-fiction stories...
2012-12-25 英语六级听力资料 -
- 2009年6月英语六级听力成功指南(第二十七期)
A) He thinks his boss is frank.
B) He thinks his boss makes a lot of mistakes.
C) He thinks his boss is terrible.
D) He thinks his boss is cu...
2012-12-25 英语六级听力资料 -
- 2009年6月英语六级听力成功指南(第二十六期)
A) He doesn't expect to enjoy the theater.
B) He's sorry he can't go with the woman.
C) He thinks the theater will be too crowded.
D) He rare...
2012-12-25 英语六级听力资料 -
- 2009年6月英语六级听力成功指南(第二十五期)
A) Helen was generous to a relative.
B) Helen found some money.
C) Helen was relatively generous.
D) Helen received money from a relative.
2012-12-25 英语六级听力资料 -
- 2009年6月英语六级听力成功指南(第二十三期)
A) His vacation has been postponed.
B) He needs to take his medicine with him on vacation.
C) He is going to change his allergy medicine....
2012-12-25 英语六级听力资料 -
- 2009年6月英语六级听力成功指南(第二十二期)
Questions 23 to 26 are based on the passage you've just heard
A) The increase in driving offences.
B) The increase in professional gangs.
2012-12-25 英语六级听力资料 -
- 2009年6月英语六级听力成功指南(第二十一期)
A) He plans to sell the books to a collector.
B) He won't sell the books until he has read them.
C) The books probably aren't worth a lot of mone...
2012-12-25 英语六级听力资料 -
- 2009年6月英语六级考试听力成功指南(第二十期)
- 短文部分
A) The party doesn't interest him.
B) He may already have plans.
C) He'd like to bring a guest to the party.
D) He'd rather come another time.
2012-12-25 英语六级听力资料 -
- 2009年6月英语六级考试听力成功指南(第十九期)
Passage 3
Americans are proud of the medical (S1)_________ made in this country. Medical scientists have found cures and (S2)_______ for many diseases. They...
2012-12-25 英语六级听力资料 -
- 2009年6月英语六级考试听力成功指南(第十八期)
短文部分 61. A) The grades have been calculated correctly. B) The woman will get the grade she deserves. C) The woman received one of the highest grades. ...
2012-12-25 英语六级听力资料 -
- 2009年6月英语六级考试听力成功指南(第十七期)
A) She'll drop the man off on the way to work.
B) The man can ride downtown with her.
C) The man will have to leave earlier than usual.
D) Sh...
2012-12-25 英语六级听力资料 -
- 2009年6月英语六级考试听力成功指南(第十六期)
Questions 16 to 19 are based on the talk in class about United States history.
A) Jefferson's view about commercialized agriculture.
B) Internati...
2012-12-25 英语六级听力资料 -
- 2009年6月英语六级考试听力成功指南(第十五期)
A) Go with her to the airport.
B) Talk to her for a short time.
C) Find out when the plane is leaving.
D) Make the phone call now.
2012-12-25 英语六级听力资料 -
- 2009年6月英语六级考试听力成功指南(第十三期)
Passage 2
A superstar (S1) _____ is someone who has become famous in sports, or films, or popular music, someone like Michael Jackson. In the middle nineteen...
2012-12-25 英语六级听力资料 -
- 2009年6月英语六级考试听力成功指南(第十二期)
A) He wants to keep informed while he's absent.
B) The details of the report haven't been checked yet.
C) He has just come back to work.
D) H...
2012-12-25 英语六级听力资料 -
- 2009年6月英语六级考试听力成功指南(第十一期)
A) Go to sleep.
B) Watch the program later.
C) Change the channel.
D) Set the alarm clock.
A) He doesn't spend enough time stu...
2012-12-25 英语六级听力资料 -
- 2009年6月英语六级考试听力成功指南(第九期)
- 31.
A) She plans to send a package to Canada.
B) She doesn't know the postage for a package to Australia.
C) She has relatives in Australia.
D) She'll help the...
2012-12-25 英语六级听力资料 -
- 2009年6月英语六级考试听力成功指南(第八期)
A) The man is exaggerating.
B) The man should try to eat less.
C) Food with a lot of fat should be avoided.
D) People should worry less about their die...
2012-12-25 英语六级听力资料 -
- 2009年6月英语六级考试听力成功指南(第七期)
Passage 1
On Sept. 11, the nation's aviation system quickly and safely almost 4,500 planes that were in the air when the terrorist attacks took place. How was this (S1)__...
2012-12-25 英语六级听力资料 -
- 2009年6月英语六级考试听力成功指南(第六期)
A) He doesn't know where his brother keeps his computer.
B) The woman should buy a used computer.
C) He doesn't know how much computers cost
D) His brothe...
2012-12-25 英语六级听力资料 -
- 2009年6月英语六级考试听力成功指南(第五期)
A) The woman does not remember her brother's address.
B) The letters were probably lost in the mail.
C) The woman will soon get used to college life.
D) T...
2012-12-25 英语六级听力资料 -
- 2009年6月英语六级考试听力成功指南(第四期)
Questions 1 to 4 are based on the lecture you've just heard.
A) The increase in beachfront property value.
B) An experimental engineering project.
C) The e...
2012-12-25 英语六级听力资料