- 英语四级口语考试该如何准备
- 大学英语四级口试该如何准备,下文为大家介绍英语口语学习方法。 英语口语学习方法总汇
(1).We study spoken English so as to make oral communications, so this order of importance of...
2013-07-09 英语四级口语资料 -
- 2013年英语四六级口语考试练对话记单词(1)
- A
A: What is NY an abbreviation for ?
B: New York.
n.缩写, 缩写词
A: You always abide by the law.
B: Yes, I think it is important for national...
2013-07-09 英语四级口语资料 -
- 2013年英语四六级口语考试练对话记单词(2)
- ace
n. 1.(纸牌等中的)幺点,“A”牌
a. 第一流的,杰出的
A: Do you play the acoustic guitar?
B: Usually I play the e...
2013-07-09 英语四级口语资料 -
- 2013年英语四六级口语考试练对话记单词(3)
- adverse
a. 不利的,有害的
A: By the way , I broke the radio aerial last night.
B: I was wondering why the reception was so bad.
a. 1.飞机的,航空的,由飞机进行...
2013-07-09 英语四级口语资料 -
- 2013年英语四六级口语考试练对话记单词(4)
- alienate
vt. 1.使疏远,使不友好,离间;2.转让,让渡(财产等)
A: He alleged that he was burgled during the night.
B: I do not believe him, he is always telling lies.
2013-07-09 英语四级口语资料 -
- 2013年英语四六级口语考试练对话记单词(5)
- analytic
A: Do you ever read the Financial Times?
B: No, it is far too analytical for me.
a. 分析的,分析法的
A: My two year old son i...
2013-07-09 英语四级口语资料 -
- 2013年英语四六级口语考试练对话记单词(6)
- apprehend
A: What is your current occupation?
B: I am an apprentice electrician but I will be qualified in two months.
2013-07-09 英语四级口语资料 -
- 2013年英语四六级口语考试练对话记单词(7)
- aristocrat
A: I dreamt last night that a knight in shining armor rescued me from a burning tower.
B: Let me guess the ending, you woke up before you had a chance...
2013-07-09 英语四级口语资料 -
- 2013年英语四六级口语考试练对话记单词(8)
- assorted
a. 1.各种各样的,混杂的,什锦的
A: I received assurances that I would get help.
B: And did they come through?
n. 1.把握,信心;2.保证,表示保证(或鼓励...
2013-07-09 英语四级口语资料 -
- 2013年英语四六级口语考试基本流程及备考方法
- 以下是四六级口语的基本流程 (现在可能有变化 但还是按这个样式来的)
第一部分 Quick Response 10%
2013-07-09 英语四级口语资料 -
- 2013年英语四级考试口语词汇大全
- 1) take a rain check 延期
2) lost count 弄不清楚
3) be in another world 精神恍惚;魂不守舍
4) make yourself at home 随意,随便
5) save your breath 省口气吧;别白费口舌...
2013-07-09 英语四级口语资料 -
- 英语四级口语:228句四级口语考试要素(1)
- 1. It’s up to you.(由你决定。)
2. I envy [羡慕]you.(我羡慕你。)
3. How can I get in touch with you?
4. Where can I wash my hands? (请问洗手间在哪里?)
5. What’s th...
2013-07-09 英语四级口语资料 -
- 英语四级口语:228句四级口语考试要素(2)
- 39. We’re in the same boat.(我们处境相同。)
40. My mouth is watering.(我在流口水了。)
41. What do you recommend?(你推荐什么?)
42. I ache all over.(我浑身酸痛。)
2013-07-09 英语四级口语资料 -
- 英语四级口试:十个诀窍助你练就完美发音
- 1.Listen to yourself.
2.Slow down!
2013-07-09 英语四级口语资料 -
- 2013英语四级考试:提升档次的简单十句口语
- 有时候在网上同时和老美和老中用英文聊天, 通常用不了多久, 我很快就能分别出这是老美的英文还是老中的英文. 就算同样是用那些单字, 老美用的英文就是有一种特别的味道. 因为我发觉老美常常会 "...
2013-07-09 英语四级口语资料 -
- 英语四六级口语提问中常见169个问题(1)
- 1. What's your name?
2. Does your name have any special meaning?
3. Where do you come from?
4. What kind of landscape surrounds your hometown?
5. What is the main c...
2013-07-09 英语四级口语资料 -
- 英语四六级口语提问中常见169个问题(2)
- 51. What sort of culture do you hope your child will grow up in?
52. Are you going to bring up your child differently from the way you were brought up? How?
53. Do you enjo...
2013-07-09 英语四级口语资料 -
- 英语四六级口语提问中常见169个问题(3)
- 101. Do you smoking?
102. Do you think smoking is a problem that needs special attention and has to be solved? If so, why?
103. What do you know about XXX?
104. What pr...
2013-07-09 英语四级口语资料 -
- 四招教你英语四级(CET4)口语考试轻松过关
- 一、知己知彼,百战不殆
首先要明确口语考试的考查目的及试卷结构,做到心中有数。大学英语四、六级考试口语考试(CET Spoken English Test,简称CET-SET)主要考查大学生运用英语进行口头交际的能...
2013-07-09 英语四级口语资料 -
- 2013年大学英语四级考试迷你对话学口语(1)
- A: You should not have criticize your son in front of his friends.
B: Why? He did something wrong.
A: I...
2013-07-02 英语四级口语资料 -
- 2013年大学英语四级考试迷你对话学口语(2)
- A: You seem to be unhappy. What happened?
B: My mother is ill in the hospital.
A: What does the doctor say?
2013-07-02 英语四级口语资料 -
- 2013年大学英语四级考试迷你对话学口语(3)
- A: I hear that Helen does not relate very well to her husband.
B: Unbelievable! I remember her husband is her former classmate. They fell i...
2013-07-02 英语四级口语资料 -
- 2013年大学英语四级考试迷你对话学口语(4)
- A: Tom set the whole country by the ears with his discovery.
B: He is really terrific!
A: He was very clever when he was a boy.
2013-07-02 英语四级口语资料 -
- 2013年大学英语四级考试迷你对话学口语(5)
- A: John passed away.
B: When? I saw him well last month.
A: Yesterday. He suffered from a serious disease. Wh...
2013-07-02 英语四级口语资料 -
- 2013年大学英语四级考试迷你对话学口语(6)
- 第一句:Can you give me a doggie bag?
A: Excuse me, waiter. Can you give me a doggie bag?
B: Wait for a moment. I'll...
2013-07-02 英语四级口语资料